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单位:南京工业大学     作者:马卓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:文章是关于江南私家园林的铺地探析,主要从园林铺地的材质、纹样、色彩入手,深入探析园林铺地的构成及其内在联系。将园林的铺地材质总结为三种,即石材铺地、砖材铺地和砖瓦石混合铺地。园林铺地纹样主要分为四种,即:瑞兽祥纹、花草植物纹、吉祥寓意纹和符号象征纹。将铺地色彩分为协调的色彩、为人的色彩和地域的色彩。为理解、借鉴、传承古典园林铺装艺术提供参考。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article is about the pavement design of Jiangnan private gardens, mainly from the materials, patterns and colors of the garden paving grounds, in-depth analysis of the composition and internal connection of the garden paving grounds. Summarize the paving materials of the garden into three types, that is, stone paving, brick paving and masonry paving. There are four main patterns in the garden paving, namely: auspicious beast auspicious patterns, flowers and plants patterns, auspicious symbols and symbolic patterns. The color design of the paving floor is divided into harmonious colors, artificial colors and regional colors. Provide a reference for understanding, drawing on, inheriting the art of classical garden pavement.

Key Words:Jiangnan Private Garden; paving; Material; Pattern; Color