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单位:上海健康医学院     作者:王晓琦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:展示造景是展示馆公共空间及展项间过渡区域重要组成部分,为参展者营造特定环境氛围扮演着至关重要的作用,并以不同的表现形式,直观为观众呈现展示内容。我们知道优秀的文学故事往往具备生动、感人,具备丰富连贯的情节,展示造景同样如此。文章探索将文学故事情节表现手法引入展示造景内容编排中,以期展示造景更具戏剧性的情节变化,增强故事内容的感染力。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract: The exhibition landscape is an important part of the exhibition hall public space and the transition area between the exhibition items. It plays a vital role in creating a specific environment atmosphere for the exhibitors. We know that fine literary stories tend to be vivid, moving, rich and coherent, as well as scenes. This paper explores how to introduce the expression of the literary story into the arrangement of the exhibition scene, in order to show that the scene is more dramatic and enhance the appeal of the story content.

Key Words:Plot design; Exhibition scene; Application