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单位:东北石油大学      作者:纪佳莹,阚凤岩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:随着设计的发展,仿生设计已经成为越来越流行的一个设计领域,仿生设计之所以越来越流行正是因为它具有独特的美感,不仅外观上具有形态美,同时由于仿生产品的功能非常优良,具有强大的功能美,同时仿生设计近些年来也拥有了新的领域——文化仿生,这使得仿生设计具有文化的意境美和情感美。文章从这几方面的美出发,解析仿生设计之美的来源。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the design, the bionic design has become an a increasingly popular design field, the reason why bionic design is more and more popular is because it has a unique aesthetic feeling, not only it is beautiful in appearance, due to the function of the bionic products are very good, it has powerful function beauty at the same time.Not only that, the bionic design also has a new field in recent years which is called cultural bionic, this makes the bionic design has the cultural artistic beauty and emotional beauty. This paper analyzes the source of beauty of bionic design from these aspects.

Key Words:Bionic design; Morphological bionics; Functional bionics; Cultural bionics