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单位:天津职业大学     作者:李芮     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:本文先阐述了侘寂之美设计法则,并探讨了侘寂之美设计法则在产品设计中的应用体现。希望通过对侘寂美学设计法则在产品设计中的应用探讨,让产品最大限度的实现产品的功能性,简化产品的复杂装饰,使产品功能与形式达到完美的平衡。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper first expounds the design law of wabi-sabi beauty, and discusses the application of the design law of wabi-sabi beauty in product design.It is hoped that by discussing the application of Xi Ji's aesthetic design rules in product design, It is hoped that through the application of the aesthetic design rules in product design, the product can realize the functionality of the product to the greatest extent, simplify the complex decoration of the product, and achieve a perfect balance between the function and form of the product.

Key Words:wabi-sabi beauty; Design rules; Product design; Application