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单位:南昌大学     作者:朱琦,卢悦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:在我国少数民族的艺术创作之中,侗锦艺术具有着鲜明的地域特色以及文化特色。侗族人民饱含着对美好生活的向往,以及对新世界的憧憬,将理想刻画在侗锦这一艺术上,利用色彩的交织、纹样的变化,表达了自身的理念。侗锦艺术图案,能够带给人们强烈的视觉冲击力。通过图案,观赏者能够感受到居民勤奋、聪明、刻苦的生活态度,顽强不屈、生生不息。基于此,本文对侗锦艺术图案进行美学分析,并探讨侗锦图案在不同领域中的创新运用。


中图分类号:J523 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the artistic creation of ethnic minorities in China, Dong brocade art has distinct regional and cultural characteristics. Dong people are full of yearning for a better life, as well as the vision of a new world, the ideal is portrayed in the art of Dong brocade, using the interweaving of color, pattern changes, expressed their own ideas. Dong brocade art patterns, can bring people with a strong visual impact. Through the design, the viewer can feel the residents hard-working, smart, hard-working attitude to life, tenacious unyielding, endless. Based on this, this paper makes an aesthetic analysis of Dong brocade artistic patterns and discusses the innovative application of Dong brocade patterns in different fields.

Key Words:Dong brocade art patterns; aesthetic feature; innovative application