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单位:山西农业大学...     作者:杨娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:中国民间印染文化历史悠久、种类繁多,纹样丰富多彩,制作工艺精美,在世界的印染领域中独树一帜,享有盛誉。本文通过对四种常见民间传统手工印染的题材、造型、构图,工艺四个方面的梳理,探索传统民间手工印染纹样独特的艺术特征,深刻地体会到民间传统手工印染的纹样与印染工艺有着密不可分的关系,从而发掘具有民族性、地域性,并重新审视民族文化的传统艺术。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese folk printing and dyeing culture has a long history, various, colorful patterns, exquisite production technology, in the field of printing and dyeing unique, enjoys a high reputation.This article through to the four common folk traditional manual printing and dyeing material, shape, composition, process four aspects, to explore traditional folk manual printing and dyeing patterns unique artistic characteristics, deeply realize the pattern of traditional folk manual printing and dyeing and printing and dyeing process of the intimate relationship, so as to explore with national, regional, so as to re-examine the traditional art of national culture.

Key Words:Folk; Traditional hand printing and dyeing; Pattern; Art characteristic