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单位:云南艺术学院     作者:赵倩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:龙作为我国最具代表性的图腾之一,对整个中华民族都具有重大的意义,被赋予了风调雨顺、吉祥如意等美好的寓意。本文通过从不同时期传统龙纹的特征入手,分析其独特的艺术风格,总结规律性内容,探索它们在现代首饰设计中应用的可能性,从设计学的角度出发阐释传统龙纹在现代首饰中的应用方法,力求寻找中国传统纹样在现代设计中的新思路。


中图分类号:TS934 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Abstract: As one of the most representative totems in China, dragon is of great significance to the whole Chinese nation. Righteousness has been endowed with beautiful meanings such as good weather and good luck.This article through from different periods of traditional dragon Starting with the characteristics of patterns, this paper analyzes their unique artistic style, summarizes the regular contents, and explores their application in modern times. The possibility of application in jewelry design,Explanation of Traditional Dragon Pattern in Modern Jewelry from the Angle of Design Applying methods, we try our best to find new ideas of Chinese traditional patterns in modern design.

Key Words:Traditional dragon pattern; Modern jewelry design; Application