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单位:福建师范大学     作者:郭晓妍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-07-28

摘 要:中国的二三线城市依然存在着一些未经开发的古城、老街,这些老街往往记录着一个城市的历史,承载着人们的记忆,更是一个城市展现市井文化的窗口。随着旅游业深度体验游的发展,越来越多的游客避开传统旅游景点,转战这些老城、老街,迎合游客的文化创意产品应运而生。本文以泉州著名的老街——西街为例,对西街历史文化、特色建筑、地方人文进行研究,打破现有老街旅游纪念品形式保守、缺乏本地特色等问题,对历史老城泉州西街的文化创意产品进行系统化的归纳和再设计,以求探索出符合老街地域文化特色的文化创意产品。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China's second and third-tier cities, some undeveloped ancient cities and old streets not only record the history of a city with people's memory, but also serve as a window to show its local culture. With the development of in-depth experience tour in tourism industry, more and more tourists tend to avoid traditional tourist attractions but turn to these old cities and streets, in which way the cultural and creative products catering to tourists come into being. Based on the research on West Street, one of the famous old streets in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, the thesis is going to analyze the historical culture, unique architecture and local humanities with its own style. Concerned of the problem that the souvenirs are old-fashioned and lack of local characteristics, the thesis will systematically summarize and redesign the cultural and creative products of West Street, aiming to explore the specific cultural and creative products that can fully reveal its cultural characteristics. 

Key Words:Historical old city; Quanzhou West Street; cultural and creative products; design