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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:张丹,邵丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:随着我国产品设计相关行业的快速发展,企业对设计类人才提出的要求也越来越高。产品设计专业应培养出满足设计市场需求的具有创新能力的应用型设计人才,实践应用大环境下,产品设计专业实践教学改革是关键之所在。本文从实践教学现状探讨入手,针对实践环节模块化体系、产品专业实践教学模式和信息技术实践教学平台三方面内容提出实践教学模块化基础体系与实训体系相配合、完善课内外实践教学形式与评价方法等实践教学改革探索内容。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of product design related industries in China, enterprises have higher and higher requirements for design talents. The specialty of product design should cultivate applied design talents with innovative ability to meet the demand of design market. In the context of practical application, the reform of practical teaching of product design specialty is the key. This article obtains from the present situation of practice teaching, according to the practice of modular system, product professional practice teaching mode and practice teaching information technology platform, It puts forward the exploration of practical teaching reform, such as practical teaching modular to match the training system, perfecting the inside and outside class practice teaching forms and methods of evaluation content of practice teaching.

Key Words:Innovation ability; Product design; Practical teaching