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“互联网+” 时代下的产品设计专业教学改革研究

单位:湖北工程学院...     作者:黄文丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:随着当今互联网技术的发展,“互联网+”时代全面来临,产品设计专业在信息时代背景下踏上了新的发展道路。与之相关的教学模式正在发生着一场深刻变革,需要不断地进行教学的更新,改变传统的教学方法和手段、打破传统的内容局限、创建科学合理的教学内容、改善原有的教学体制、提升教学效率和水平,是当下产品设计专业教学改革的重要研究和实践的方向。文章主要针对“互联网+”时代下的产品设计专业教学现存问题提出相应的改革思路,旨在优化该专业教学模式,改变教学手段,提高人才培养质量。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the current era background, the rapid development of Internet technology has provided a new development path for the development of the visual communication profession in the country under the background of the information age. It requires continuous updating of the curriculum and changes in traditional teaching methods and methods. Break the traditional content limitations, create scientific and reasonable teaching content, improve the original teaching system, and improve teaching efficiency and level. The article mainly proposes corresponding reform ideas for the existing problems of product design professional teaching in the "Internet +" era, and aims to optimize the professional teaching mode, change teaching methods, and improve the quality of talent training.

Key Words:Internet+; Product Design; teaching; Problem; reform