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《仿生设计》 课程线上答辩式考核方式的应用研究

单位:安阳工学院     作者:李吴宏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:文章针对《仿生设计》课程线上答辩式考核方式的应用进行探索,分析了目前工业设计专业课程线上答辩式考核方式出现的问题,结合《仿生设计》课程多层次答辩考核及反馈机制,提出了设计课程线上答辩式考核方式问题的解决方案,为其他设计类课程的考核方式提供参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, the "bionic design" courses online examination of defense application to explore, analysis of the current industrial design professional course online reply type problems in the appraisal way, multi-level defense "bionic design" course evaluation and feedback mechanism, puts forward the design course online reply type examination way of problem solution and provide reference for other design courses examination way.

Key Words:Design course; Online defense assessment; application