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单位:1. 华东理工大...     作者:郭心诚1,尚慧芳1,王传顺2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:儿童在医疗环境中容易产生压力、恐惧等负面情绪,而这些情绪不仅会妨碍就医过程顺利进行,还会对其身心健康产生有害影响。本文着重阐述了基于积极分心理论的儿童医疗环境游戏化设计的策略,希望通过设计策略的综合应用可以缓解儿童在医疗环境的负面情绪,提升儿童就医的积极体验感。


中图分类号:TU246 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Children in the medical environment are prone to negative emotions such as stress and fear, which not only hinder the smooth process of medical treatment, but also have harmful effects on their physical and mental health. This paper focuses on the strategy of play design of children's medical environment based on the theory of positive distraction. It is hoped that the comprehensive application of the design strategy can alleviate children's negative emotions in the medical environment and enhance children's positive experience of medical treatment.

Key Words:positive distraction theory; Children; Medical environment; Play design