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单位:广东海洋大学     作者:武天佑,陈铭秋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-21

摘 要:在厨房小家电市场竞争日益激烈的今天,情感化设计作为一种吸引消费者的方法也越来越被企业所重视。本文以厨房小家电产品的系列化设计为例,结合市场,综合用户需求,以情感化设计理论为切入点,通过情感化设计赋予产品一定的人物特征和性格,对家用厨房小电器中的电饭煲、热水壶、电磁炉为例进行系列厨房小家电情感化设计的探索。


中图分类号:TM925 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the kitchen small home appliance market competition increasingly fierce today, emotional design as a way to attract consumers more and more attention by enterprises. Based on the kitchen small home appliance product seriation design as an example, combined with the market, comprehensive user requirements, with emotional design theory as the breakthrough point, through the emotional design endows products character and personality, to household kitchen appliances heavy rice cooker, hot pot, induction cooker series as an example for the kitchen small home appliance of emotional design exploration.

Key Words:Emotional design; Kitchen; Small appliances