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单位:湖南师范大学...     作者:程文熙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:室内设计是一门艺术与技术相融合的综合性学科,而现代的室内设计往往缺乏创新性,缺少中国传统文化的运用。因此本文从中国传统图案、传统色彩、传统材质三方面阐述中国传统文化元素在室内设计中的应用思路,不仅是对中国传统文化的传承与发扬,还能为现代的室内设计提供新的思路。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Interior design is a fusion of art and technology, comprehensive discipline, and the modern interior design is often a lack of innovation, lack of the use of Chinese traditional culture and traditional color so this article from the Chinese traditional pattern materials three aspects in this paper, the application of Chinese traditional culture elements in interior design train of thought, is not only the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional culture, also can offer new ideas for the modern interior design.

Key Words:Traditional cultural elements; Interior design; application