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单位:中国矿业大学      作者:祖畅,叶莉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:位于云南省西北部的丽江是东巴象形文字的发源地。东巴文是纳西族一种古老的文字,被誉为世界上唯一存活的象形文字。东巴文经过漫长的历史洗礼形成了特有的视觉符号特征,这些视觉符号特征为东巴象形文字应用于文化创意产品设计提供了可能。本文从东巴文字视觉符号特征入手,对东巴象形文字在文化创意产品设计中的应用展开研究。最终得出结论:将东巴象形文字应用于文化创意产品设计中,有利于发掘东巴象形文字深层次的审美价值、经济价值与教育价值。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Lijiang, located in the northwest of Yunnan Province, is the birthplace of Dongba script. Dongba script is an ancient script of the Naxi nationality, known as the only surviving hieroglyphic script in the world.After a long history, Dongba script has formed unique visual symbol features,which provide the possibility for the application of Dongba hieroglyphics in the design of cultural and creative products.This article starts with the characteristics of Dongba visual symbols and studies the application of Dongba hieroglyphs in the design of cultural and creative products. Finally, it was concluded that applying Dongba hieroglyphs to the design of cultural and creative products can discover the deep aesthetic value, economic value and educational value of Dongba hieroglyphs.

Key Words:Lijiang; Dongba; Hieroglyphs; Cultural and Creative Product Design