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单位:华侨大学美术学院     作者:刘思彤,陈清     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:闽南官式大厝装饰艺术是闽南历史文化的见证,是不可再生的文化遗产,对于提升闽南文化底蕴和文化传承等具有重要价值。官式大厝在保持本身的特点和传统的同时,兼吸纳外来文化的特质和合理因素,在装饰艺术上表现出不同文化特征的糅合之美。文章通过对闽南官式大厝装饰艺术从内省走向开放的文化精神进行研究,以期文以载道,经世致用,为当代闽南建筑装饰艺术设计提供更多的借鉴和启示。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the Dacuo Decorative Art of the Official House in Southern Fujian is a testimony to the history and culture of Southern Fujian. It is a non-renewable cultural heritage and has important value for enhancing the cultural deposits and cultural heritage of southern Fujian. While maintaining its own characteristics and traditions, the official residence also absorbs the characteristics and reasonable factors of foreign cultures, and shows the beauty of the blend of different cultural characteristics in the decorative arts. Through the study of the cultural spirit of Southern Fujian official residence decoration art from introspection to openness, the article hopes to convey the truth and apply the world to provide more inspiration and reference for the contemporary architectural decoration art design in Southern Fujian.

Key Words:the Dacuo Decorative Art of the Official House in Southern Fujian; Decorative arts; Introspection; Openness; Cultural spirit