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单位:南阳职业学院     作者:杨晓英     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:中国的家具艺术以及家居文化是十分深厚的,尤其是明代家具,因其朴实无华的外表以及精湛的木雕装饰,得到了社会各界人士的热烈追捧。本文首先对我国的艺术哲学进行了深度剖析,然后阐述了中国艺术哲学在现代家具设计中的运用意义与运用实例,最后阐述中国艺术哲学在现代家具设计中的运用思路。希望为中国现代家具设计风格指明方向。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese furniture art and home culture are very deep, especially Ming Dynasty furniture, because of its simple appearance and exquisite wood carving decoration, has been enthusiastically sought after by people from all walks of life. This paper first analyzes the philosophy of art in our country, then expounds the application significance and application examples of Chinese philosophy of art in modern furniture design, and finally expounds the application embodiment of Chinese art philosophy in modern furniture design. Hope to point out the direction for the design style of modern Chinese furniture.

Key Words:Chinese art philosophy; Modern furniture design; Design application