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单位:南京理工大学...     作者:吴层娟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:为了提升在线学习平台的用户体验,让用户有更加沉浸式的学习体验, 本文从心流理论的视角出发,通过前期的用户研究,归纳出了十五条设计要素,通过 Likert 五点量表法进一步分析,并结合 PAT 模型,从人、工具和任务三个维度, 最后构建出在线学习平台心流体验要素模型,以此提出满足用户需求的设计策略。通过将心流理论应用于在线学习平台的设计上,可以有效地指导用户体验设计的提升,为用户创造更加高效有趣的沉浸式学习体验。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To improve the user experience of the online learning platform, so that users have a more immersive learning experience. This paper from the perspective of flow theory, 15 design elements were summarized through previous user research, and further analyzed by the Likert five-point scale method, combined with the PAT model.From the three dimensions of Person, tool Artifact and Task, an online learning platform flow experience element model was constructed. According to this,a design strategy was put forward to meet the needs of users. By combining the flow theory with the online learning platform, you can effectively improve the user experience and create an efficient and interesting immersive learning experience for users.

Key Words:Flow experience; Online learning platform; Interaction design