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单位:福州工商学院     作者:江霞,刘欢     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:在政府主导的保障性住房建设中大力推行预制装配式程度高的集装箱建筑形式,利用装配式建筑产业来扶贫,这种建筑形式符合国家可持续发展战略。文章主要根据保障性住房适用人群的居住模式探讨了集装箱在保障性住房设计中的应用策略。希望集装箱的运用可以解决城市保障性住房的紧缺问题,且可以纳入到住房策略研究中去。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The government led affordable housing construction to promote prefabricated high degree of container construction, the use of prefabricated building industry to help the poor, this form of construction in line with the national sustainable development strategy. This paper mainly discusses the application strategy of container in the design of affordable housing according to the living mode of affordable housing. It is hoped that the application of container can solve the problem of shortage of urban affordable housing and can be included in the study of housing strategy.

Key Words:Container; Affordable housing design; Application