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单位:燕山大学艺术...     作者:范思佳,高昊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-08-24

摘 要:随着我国社会经济的高速发展,人们的物质需求基本得到满足,开始对美好的生活环境有了进一步的追求,当前城市中心公园景观存在着诸多不足,影响到了城市的整体发展。文章结合当前城市中心公园景观存在的问题,对原有景观现状进行梳理与研究,总结出相应的景观优化设计策略,从而提升城市中心公园的景观品质,增强人们的参与感与体验感,激活公园自身的内在活力。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of China's social economy, people's material needs have been basically met, and they have begun to have a further pursuit of a better living environment. At present, there are many deficiencies in the landscape of urban central parks, which affect the overall development of the city. The article combines the existing problems of the current urban central park landscape, combs and studies the original landscape status, summarizes the corresponding landscape optimization design strategy, so as to improve the landscape quality of the urban central park, enhance people's sense of participation and experience, and activate the park one's own inner vitality.

Key Words:City central park; Landscape design; Experience