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单位:郑州轻工业大...     作者:王瑾     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:在物联网逐步普及的智能时代,老年用户与智能产品的交互体验愈加受到广泛关注。本文调研了目前关于老年用户与智能产品交互的研究现状,从老年用户与智能产品之间的交互问题入手,以平静技术为依托,针对老年用户的信息提醒、优化决策、增强优势以及风险预防的需求类型,提出了相应的交互设计策略,从而使老年用户与智能产品间的交互更加自然有效。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:In the era of intelligent Internet of things, the interactive experience between elderly users and intelligent products has been paid more and more attention. This paper investigates the current research status of the interaction between the elderly users and intelligent products. Starting from the interaction between the elderly users and intelligent products, and relying on the calm technology, this paper puts forward the corresponding interaction design strategies for the elderly users' information reminding, optimization decision-making, advantage enhancement and risk prevention, so as to make the interaction between the elderly users and intelligent products Each other is more natural and effective.
Key Words:Elderly users; Intelligent products; User requirements; Clam technology; Interaction design