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单位:四川长虹电子...     作者:孙钦森,金然,唐炜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:在当前市场细分背景下,冰箱家电企业为满足消费者多元化需求及其市场布局升级,在开发设计阶段提出市场细分的概念,研究家用冰箱模块化设计的方法。用户需求是企业开发产品核心动力,模块化设计方法为冰箱企业应对市场细分大环境,既可满足用户多元化需求,且对冰箱未来迭代布局及创新研发具有一定的借鉴意义。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:Under the background of current market segmentation, refrigerator and household appliance enterprises put forward the concept of market segmentation in the development and design stage to meet the diversified needs of consumers and upgrade their market layout, and studied the modular design method of household refrigerators.User demand is the core power for enterprises to develop products. Modular design method can not only meet the diversified needs of users, but also has certain reference significance for future iterative layout and innovative research and development of refrigerators for refrigerator enterprises to cope with the market segmentation environment.
Key Words:Market segments; Household refrigerator; Modular design