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单位:景德镇陶瓷大学     作者:夏遥舜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:本文是关于古希腊建筑之美的探析,主要从建筑的柱式、比例、布局、造型四个方面入手,深入探析古希腊建筑的结构形式与营造方法。神庙建筑是古希腊建筑样式的代表,同时也是集希腊神学、哲学、人文自然的产物和建筑载体,在这些理念的引导下古希腊建筑呈现出和谐自然的审美特征。通过对古希腊建筑的美学分析,提取其优秀的设计元素和方法,希望为当代建筑设计提供一些创作参考。

中图分类号:TU-86 文献标识码:A

Abstract:This article is about the beauty of ancient Greek architecture, mainly from the four aspects of the building's column, proportion, layout and shape, in-depth analysis of the ancient Greek architecture structure and construction methods. Temple architecture is the representative design of ancient Greek architectural style, but also a collection of Greek theology, philosophy, humanities, natural products and architectural carrier, under the guidance of these concepts, ancient Greek architecture presents a harmonious and natural aesthetic characteristics. Through the aesthetic analysis of ancient Greek architecture, we hope to extract its excellent design elements and methods to provide some creative reference for contemporary architectural design.
Key Words:Ancient Greece; Architecture; Beauty