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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:杨艳丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:传统竹编工艺有着悠久的历史,丰富和便利了人们的生活,是我国劳动人民智慧的结晶。现代生活方式的变化和人们审美意识的提高对传统竹编工艺提出了更高的要求,本文结合现代人们的功能需求,提出传统竹编工艺在现代家具设计中的应用策略,拓展传统竹编工艺的设计思路,为传统竹编工艺的传承尽微薄之力。

中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A

Abstract:Traditional bamboo weaving technology has a long history, enriches and facilitates people's life, and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people in China. The changes of modern life style and the improvement of people's aesthetic consciousness put forward higher requirements for the traditional bamboo weaving technology. In this paper, combined with the functional requirements of modern people, the application strategy of traditional bamboo weaving technology in modern furniture design is proposed, and the design ideas of traditional bamboo weaving technology are expanded, so as to make a modest contribution to the inheritance of traditional bamboo weaving technology.
Key Words:Bamboo weaving; Modern furniture; design; Strategy; Inheritance