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单位:上海电机学院     作者:侯佳,张楚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:玩具作为儿童认知未知世界的钥匙,对儿童的身心发展意义深远。虽然我国已是世界最大的玩具生产国和消费国,但富含中国传统元素和民族特色的本土玩具品牌屈指可数。本文着眼于传统文化的传承与创新,立足于弘扬中华传统文化和主流价值观的本土特色玩具,探讨中国传统元素在儿童玩具设计中的应用意义。从玩具的主题、元素、色彩及材质入手,积极探索现代与传统相融合的设计方法,以嫁接设计法和叙事设计法进行应用设计探索,寻求蕴含中国传统文化及价值理念的本土玩具设计之路。

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A

Abstract:Toys, as the key to children's cognition of the unknown world, are of great significance to children's physical and mental development. Although China is already the world's largest toy producer and consumer country, there are only a few local toy brands with Chinese traditional elements and national characteristics. This paper focuses on the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture, based on the promotion of Chinese traditional culture and mainstream values of the local characteristics of toys, to explore the importance and feasibility of modern children's toy design into traditional Chinese cultural elements. Starting from the theme, elements, colors and materials of toys, this paper actively explores the design method combining modern and traditional, and explores the application design with grafting design and narrative design, and seeks the way of local toy design containing Chinese traditional culture and value concept.
Key Words:Chinese traditional elements; children's toy design; application