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单位:广东农工商职...     作者:黄侃,谭杉,林颖     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-09-23

摘 要:藤编艺术作为一种古老的艺术传承了上千年,南海藤编作为具有岭南特色的传统手工艺,已有1000多年的历史。藤编家具是一种古老而富有独特魅力的传统产品,在风格上自成一体而又丰富多样,历经一百多年兴衰起伏的工业化发展,与不同年代的时尚始终保持着若即若离的关系。藤编家具以其固有的特色为其在传统基础上开展二次创新提供了良好的基础。本文着重阐述了南海藤编在户外家具设计中的应用意义与思路,不仅能传承南海藤编技艺,还能为其与现代家具设计相融合提供可能性。

中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A

Abstract:As an ancient art, rattan weaving has been inherited for thousands of years. As a traditional handicraft with Lingnan characteristics, Rattan weaving in The South China Sea has a history of more than 1,000 years. Rattan woven furniture is a kind of ancient and unique charm of the traditional products, in the style of its own and rich and diverse, after more than a hundred years of ups and downs of industrial development, and the fashion of different ages has always maintained a relationship. Rattan woven furniture with its inherent characteristics provides a good foundation for its second innovation on the basis of tradition. This paper focuses on the application significance and ideas of Nanhai rattan weaving in outdoor furniture design, which can not only inherit the technique of Nanhai rattan weaving, but also provide possibilities for its integration with modern furniture design.
Key Words:Nanhai rattan weaving; outdoor furniture design; application