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单位:武汉工程大学     作者:蓝江平,陈万丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:伴随着自媒体时代的到来,信息快速大量的涌入现代社会,传统的艺术设计专业摄影教学的漏洞逐渐显现,现代教育背景下的互联网通过系统地收集、筛选、和整理信息,再逐步进入各自学科的领域,使得摄影教育教学相关工作的开展迎来新的契机。文章针对艺术设计专业摄影教学的相关要求,结合现代媒体的快速传播性及不同媒介之间的融合,从多个维度对艺术设计专业摄影教学的改革提出创新性的策略,实现高校艺术设计专业摄影教育教学的最优化。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With since the media age, information fast the influx of a large number of modern society, the traditional teaching of art and design professional photography a loophole in the emerging, modern education under the background of the Internet through systematically collecting, filtering, and organize information, and then gradually entered the field of their respective disciplines, the photography related education teaching work has resulted in a new opportunity. According to the relevant requirements of photography teaching courses for art design majors and the integration of different media under the fast propagation of modern media, this paper proposes innovative strategies for the reform of art design photography teaching from multiple dimensions, so as to realize the optimization of photography education and teaching for art design majors in colleges and universities.f

Key Words:the self-media era; Art design; Photography teaching; Photography; Teaching reformmethods