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单位:四川音乐学院     作者:李俊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:《三维角色设计》相关课程属于技法技术较为复杂的艺术类课程。在教学实践中如何平衡技法和审美的关系,是教师需要解决的问题。本文着重阐述了技法与审美在《三维角色设计》课程教学中的应用意义及思路,旨在提升三维角色设计相关课程的教学质量,也为其他技法复杂的艺术类课程提供教学方法上的理论支持和启发。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:"Three-dimensional Character Design" belong to art courses with complex techniques. How to balance the relationship between technique and aesthetics in teaching practice is a problem that teachers need to solve. This paper focuses on the application significance and ideas of techniques and aesthetics in the teaching of "Three-dimensional Character Design", aiming at improving the teaching quality of three-dimensional role design related courses and providing theoretical support and inspiration on teaching methods for other art courses with complex techniques.

Key Words:technique and aesthetics; "Three-dimensional Character Design" course; teaching; application