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单位:嘉兴南洋职业...     作者:陆洲,余健     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:文章针对工业设计实训室建设,基于创新设计流程缺乏、老旧的教学方式与实际工作脱节、实训室功能单一等问题,结合团队教学与国外学习经验,提出以创新项目设计程序为导向的建设途径。团队以项目为主体,辅以理论教授,创新思维引导的学生主动式学习教学;以设计程序流程为基础的实训室功能分区设计;重视调研、前期概念思路、设计流程、创新思维的双导师评分方式,进行实训室建设。以期为高校工业设计实训室建建设提供一定借鉴。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the lack of innovative design process, the disconnection between old teaching methods and practical work, and the single function of the training room, this paper proposes a construction approach oriented by innovative project design procedures in combination with team teaching and foreign learning experience. The team takes the project as the main body, supplemented by the theory professor, innovative thinking guided students active learning teaching; The functional partition design of the training room based on the design procedure flow; Pay attention to the research, early conceptual thinking, design process, innovative thinking of the double tutor scoring way, the construction of the training room. In order to provide some reference for the construction of industrial design training room in universities.

Key Words:Innovation; Project; Design process; Industrial design; training room oriented