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单位:河南科技学院     作者:赵志永,万秀颖,胡志刚     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:在国家大力发展文化博物馆事业、传承民间艺术的双重背景下,“博物馆+民间艺术”的模式不失为一种有益的探索。文章首先概述了民间艺术和博物馆文化创意产品设计的现状,接着重点阐述了民间艺术在博物馆文化创意产品设计中的应用意义,最后探讨了民间艺术在博物馆文化创意产品设计中的应用思路。通过该研究尝试发掘博物馆文化创意产品设计的新方向,使博物馆文化创意产品摆脱同质化的设计困境,焕发新的活力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Under the background of the country's vigorous development of cultural undertakings and the inheritance of folk art, the "museum + folk art" model is a useful exploration. The article first summarizes the current situation of folk art and museum cultural creative product design, then focuses on the application significance of folk art in museum cultural creative product design, and finally discusses the application of folk art in museum cultural creative product design. Through this research, we try to discover new directions in the design of museum cultural and creative products, so that museum cultural and creative products can get rid of the design dilemma of homogeneity and rejuvenate.

Key Words:Folk art; Museums; Cultural and creative design; Application