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单位:长春工业大学     作者:许小侠,韩亚新,韩晓鹏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-26

摘 要:本文研究的目的是改善单调机械式的儿童医疗产品,为儿童创造一个轻松、愉悦的就医环境。首先,从儿童医疗产品设计入手,分析了现有产品的痛点与存在的设计问题;其次,结合儿童的认知心理和行为特征,认识到儿童医疗产品中人性化的必要性;最后,从人机、功能、色彩、造型等多方面入手,归纳了基于人性化理念的儿童医疗产品的设计原则与策略。希望借本文的研究,可以为设计师在儿童医疗产品人性化的设计方面提供理论参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to improve the monotonous mechanical children's medical products and create a relaxed and pleasant medical environment for children. First, start with the design of children's medical products, analyze the pain points of existing products and the existing design problems; secondly, combine the cognitive psychology and behavioral characteristics of children to realize the necessity of humanization in children's medical products; finally, from the people Starting from many aspects such as machine, function, color, and modeling, it summarizes the design principles and strategies of children's medical products based on the concept of humanization. I hope that the research in this article can provide a theoretical reference for designers in the humanized design of children's medical products.

Key Words:children's medical; Humanized concept; Product design