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单位:西华大学     作者:李洁兰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:本文通过对少儿读物装帧设计的发展过程进行梳理,对其现状进行分析,在此基础上提出对少儿读物装帧设计有利的优化策略。采用文献调查法对少儿读物的发展历程进行研究;采用实地调查法对现有市面上的少儿读物进行考察,总结少儿读物装帧设计中出现的问题。在符合儿童心理、生理特征的前提下,将“五感”与少儿读物装帧设计相结合,可以提高儿童自主阅读的积极性,同时本文中少儿读物装帧设计的策略研究希望能为也为其他纸质媒体的设计提供一种新的途径。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper to explore the optimization strategy of children's books binding design. literature survey was used to study the development of children's books; field survey was used to investigate the existing children's books in the market, and the problems in the design of children's books were summarized. on the premise of conforming to children's psychological and physiological characteristics, the combination of "five senses" and children's book binding design can improve children's initiative in reading. At the same time, the research on the strategy of binding design of children's books in this article hopes to provide a new way for the design of other paper media.

Key Words:Children's books; binding design; optimization; strategy; five senses