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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:李莎,董昭含     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:伊甸园工程是在英国整体经济低迷时期,由私人发起,通过众筹、政府资助、建筑商垫资等方式,推动康沃尔郡经济复兴的矿坑修复景观。以巨型废弃矿坑景观再生植物展馆为依托,伊甸园工程向公众开放以来,发展出一套自我完善的文化旅游运营体系,其可持续发展模式在中国、澳大利亚、新西兰等世界范围,指导其他矿坑再生景观设计与建设。文章通过总结研究其特色文化旅游运营模式,挖掘其废工业、废气地更新与市场需求相结合的成功内核。


中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Eden Project, which has been successfully operated for 20 years, was initiated by a private sector during an overall economic downturn in the UK, through crowdfunding, government funding and builders' advancement, to promote the Cornwall economic revitalization by the mine landscape restoration. Relying on the huge abandoned mine pit landscape regeneration plant exhibition hall, since the Eden project was opened to the public, a self-improving cultural tourism operation system has been developed. Its sustainable development model is used in China, Sweden, New Zealand and other countries to guide the regeneration of other mines. The article summarizes and studies its characteristic cultural tourism operation mode, and explores the successful core of combining the renewal of waste industrial waste gas with market demand.

Key Words:Eden in the uk; Mine regeneration landscape; cultural tourism operation; mode study