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单位:福建师范大学     作者:蔡玲玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:现代很多的乡村景观设计往往只注重于其外在表现,而对于内在的情感设计涉及很少。本文首先阐述了情感美学的概念,然后阐述了基于情感美学的乡村景观设计意义,最后基于情感美学探讨了乡村景观设计策略,并以永泰县月洲村景观设计为例,探讨乡村建设在追求经济效益、表面形式的同时,能够进一步提升当地文化的传承和内涵表达。


中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A


Abstract:A lot of modern rural landscape design often only focuses on its external expression, and the inner emotional design is rarely involved. This article first expounds the concept of emotional aesthetics, and then expounds the rural landscape design based on emotional and aesthetic significance of rural landscape design strategy is discussed based on the emotional aesthetics, and the month chau village in yongtai county rural village landscape design as an example, discusses rural construction in the pursuit of economic benefits, at the same time, in the form of surface can further enhance the connotation of the local cultural heritage and expression.

Key Words:Emotional aesthetics; countryside; landscape design