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单位:南京理工大学     作者:王金晶     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:文章通过对宋词APP设计进行研究,目的为了传承发扬宋词文化。通过对市场上宋词APP设计进行分析,发掘其目前存在的问题。基于UED(User Experience Design,用户体验设计)理念,探讨宋词文化APP设计策略。提出以用户为核心、AR技术实景再现、多通道多感官交互、动态化、传统美学形式的设计策略。希望扩大宋词APP的广度和影响力,让宋词APP更好地服务于用户。最大程度地使宋词文化得到保护传承,为其他传统文化APP创新性设计做出探索。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper studies the App Design of Song Ci in order to inherit and carry forward Song Ci culture. Through the analysis of Song Ci app in the market, the existing problems are explored. Based on UED (user experience design) concept, this paper discusses Song Ci culture app design strategy. This paper puts forward the design strategy of user as the core, AR technology real scene reproduction, multi-channel and multi sensory interaction, dynamic and traditional aesthetic form. Hope to expand the breadth and influence of Song Ci app, so that Song Ci app can better serve users. To the greatest extent, it can protect and inherit Song Ci culture, and explore the innovative design of app for other traditional culture.

Key Words:User Experience Design; Song Ci; APP design