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单位:青岛理工大学...     作者:董璐,李东     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:在中国社会发展进程中,五行文化贯穿始终,而文化自信的回归,使带有中国传统文化元素的产品相继出现,但一系列的问题也随之产生。因此,本文选取中国传统文化中影响最为深远的五行文化,拟通过提取五行文化元素,探讨五行文化元素在现代产品设计中的应用思路,为现代产品设计提供新的设计方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the process of China's social development, the five Elements culture runs through the whole process, and the return of cultural confidence makes products with traditional Chinese cultural elements appear one after another, but a series of problems also arise. Therefore, this paper selects the five elements culture with the most far-reaching influence in Chinese traditional culture, and plans to explore the application of the five elements culture elements in the design of cushioning products by extracting the five elements culture elements. With it as the modern product design mention on the new design direction.

Key Words: five elements of Wu Xing culture; modern product design; application