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单位:广东科技学院     作者:靖则隐     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-10-28

摘 要:黄梅挑花是在湖北省黄梅县民间长期广泛流传的一种民间工艺,其内容丰富、品种繁多、图案精美、色彩富丽,具有浓郁的地方风格和民族特色。本文着重阐述了黄梅地域文化对黄梅挑花图案的影响。旨在通过对黄梅地域文化的考察分析,着重从自然环境和历史人文环境来阐述挑花图案纹样的形成原因、内容题材、审美趣味等因素。继而挖掘黄梅挑花传统图案的文化价值,将有助于其现阶段的传承与发展。


中图分类号:J523 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Huangmei cross is a folk craft that has been widely spread in Huangmei County, Hubei Province for a long time. It has rich contents, various varieties, exquisite patterns, rich colors and strong local style and national characteristics. This paper focuses on the influence of regional culture of Huangmei cross of picking flowers. Through the investigation and analysis of the regional culture of Huangmei, this paper expounds the reasons for the formation of the pattern of picking flowers, the content, the subject matter, the aesthetic taste and other factors from the natural environment and the historical and cultural environment. Then excavating the cultural value of the traditional pattern of Huangmei cross flower will contribute to its inheritance and development at the present stage.

Key Words:Regional culture; Huangmei cross; pattern; influence