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设计思维在交互设计类课程教学中的应用 ——以《移动APP设计》课程为例

单位:广东白云学院      作者:陈诗雅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:目前交互设计类课程教学中对设计思维的训练比较缺乏,忽视了思维的训练,使学生的思维模式教条化且缺少创造性,缺乏解决实际问题的能力。因此文章以设计思维为切入点,阐述了设计思维在交互设计类课程教学中的应用意义,并以《移动APP设计》课程为例,阐述设计思维在《移动APP设计》课程中的应用。以期将思维能力与设计能力结合,循序渐进的引导学生参与到设计的每个过程,从而提高学生对交互设计项目的整体认知,使课堂从知识的教学上升到能力的培养。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, there is a lack of design thinking training in interactive design course teaching. The training of thinking is neglected, which leads to the dogmatization of students' thinking mode and the lack of creativity, and the lack of ability to solve practical problems. Therefore, this paper takes design thinking as the entry point, expounds the application significance of design thinking in interactive design course teaching, and takes mobile APP Design course as an example to illustrate the application of design thinking in Mobile APP Design course. In order to combine the ability of thinking and design and design ability, and gradually guiding students to participate in each process of design, so as to improve students' overall cognition of the interactive design project, and make the classroom rise from knowledge teaching to ability cultivation.

Key Words:Design thinking; Interactive design major; Teaching; application; Mobile APP design