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单位:陕西科技大学     作者:王伟伟,陈雅坤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:文章以上班族为研究对象,提出基于场景的便携茶杯设计方法研究,并以实际案例验证,旨在解决上班族上班时间的饮茶痛点。运用用户场景设计理论,探索用户的自然场景及客观场景的行为和情绪,获取用户在不同场景的需求;以层次分析法为基础,构建包括易用性、易学性、便携性、满意度以及对茶水高品质的五个层面的用户体验评价体系;在目标场景中根据用户需求优先级,设计符合用户体验的相关产品方案;根据目标用户的需求偏好得出各评价指标的权重值,进行用户体验的需求输出;根据用户需求和痛点,输出设计方案。最后,以实际案例进行验证。结果表明:所提出的方法正确可行,可以提升产品的用户体验,对产品设计方法具有一定意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper proposes a scenario-based portable product design method with the upper class as the research object, and uses a portable teacup as a practical case to verify the value and significance of scenario thinking in improving the user experience of the product.Use user scenario design theory to explore the user’s behavior and emotions in natural and objective scenarios, and obtain user needs in different scenarios;based on the analytic hierarchy process, the construction includes ease of use, ease of learning,portability, satisfaction, and A five-level user experience evaluation system for high-quality tea; in the target scenario,according to the priority of user needs, design related product solutions that meet the user experience; according to the target user’s needs and preferences, the weight value of each evaluation index is obtained for user experience Output of demand; according to user needs and pain points,output the design plan. Finally, verify with actual cases.The results show that the proposed method is correct and feasible,can improve the user experience of the product, and has a certain significance to the product design process.

Key Words:User scenarios; Portable tea cups; The design process