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单位:福州大学厦门...     作者:杨威,林伟     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:用户共情是文化创意产品的主要设计方法。文章首先从用户的角度出发,分析了古田红色文化创意产品的发展现状,然后讨论了用户共情下的古田红色文化创意产品设计意义,最后阐述了用户共情下的古田红色文化创意产品设计策略,并赋予实践。以期传承古田红色文化,丰富红色文化创意产品设计的素材,促进更多古田红色文化创意产品的创新。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:User empathy is the main design method of cultural creative products. This paper firstly analyzes the development status of Gutian red cultural creative products from the perspective of users, then discusses the significance of gutian red cultural creative products design under the context of users' empathy, and finally expounds the design strategy of Gutian Red cultural creative products design under the context of users' empathy, and gives practice. In order to inherit the red culture of Gutian, enrich the material of the design of red cultural creative products, promote the innovation of more gutian red cultural creative products.

Key Words:user's empathy; Gutian; Red culture; Cultural and creative products