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单位:武汉工程大学     作者:张茵,寇煜婕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:随着社会的发展进步,居住区景观的人性化设计逐步纳入到设计的重点。遵循以人为本的设计原则,打造舒适惬意的小区环境,增强居民的生活幸福感是设计者们的最终目的。本文首先阐述居住区景观的人性化设计要点,然后以湖北省宜昌市福星惠誉小区为例,分析了人性化设计的具体内容,从活动空间、观赏空间、景观植被三个方面阐述居住区景观的人性化设计,期望能进一步提高居住区景观设计的水平。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development and progress of the society, the humanized design of residential landscape design is gradually brought into the focus of designers. It is the ultimate goal of designers to follow the principle of people-oriented design, create a comfortable community environment and enhance residents' life happiness. This paper expounds the main points of the humanized design in landscape design of residential areas, to fusion in yichang of hubei, fitch district as an example, analyzes the specific content of humanized design, mainly from the activity space, watching space, greening plant three aspects put forward the humanized design of residential area landscape design method, is expected to further improve the level of residential area landscape design.

Key Words:Residential; Landscape; Humanized design