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单位:南通云创工业...     作者:张艺     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-11-24

摘 要:文章以产品“休息时间”为视角,介绍了产品“休息时间”的概念,剖析出产品在“休息时间”的“安全性”“价值象征性”和“艺术性”这三个设计要素,并提出了基于这些设计要素的创新策略。目的在于呼吁工业设计师在进行产品设计时,除了关注产品使用时的效果,也不应当忽视产品“休息时间”的考量,应当通过产品“休息时间”的设计要素去发掘更多新的设计创意。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:From the perspective of product "rest time", the article introduces the concept of product "rest time", analyzes the three design elements of "safety", "artistic" and "value symbolic" of the product during "rest time", and An innovative strategy based on these design elements is proposed. The purpose is to call on industrial designers to not only pay attention to the effect of the product when they are used, but also not to ignore the design of the product during the "rest time" when designing products, and to discover more new product designs through the design elements of the product "rest time" Creativity.

Key Words:product "rest time" ; industrial design; product design innovation