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单位:南昌航空大学     作者:蔡克中,林晨瑜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:江西省博物馆蕴含的文化资源渊博,但在文化创意产品研发方面存在显著问题。文章先阐述江西省博物馆文化创意产品现状,再分析博物馆文物中所能提取的元素及产品类别,最后提出掌握市场信息、融入地域特色、树立品牌形象的设计策略,为江西省博物馆文化创意产品设计的革新提供思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Jiangxi Provincial Museum is rich in cultural resources, but there are significant problems in the development of cultural and creative products. This paper first expounds the current situation of cultural creative products of Jiangxi Provincial museum, then analyzes the elements and product categories extracted from museum cultural relics, and finally puts forward the design strategy of mastering market information, integrating regional characteristics and establishing brand image, so as to provide a Ideas for the innovation of cultural creative product design of Jiangxi Provincial Museum.

Key Words:Jiangxi Provincial Museum; museum culture; Cultural and creative products; Design