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单位:鲁迅美术学院...     作者:杨莉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:儿童科普绘本是儿童读物的重要组成部分,在西方首先发展和成熟起来的儿童科普主题绘本,近年来在中国的土地上也刮起了一阵创作、出版和推广的热潮。但是,我国对新兴的儿童科普绘本书的认识还处于不断了解和开拓阶段。因此文章从故事题材、科学思维、设计结构三方面探讨儿童科普主题绘本的创新性。希望今后的儿童科普主题绘本更加注重当代儿童的心理,从整体美学格调上更加符合儿童的审美需求。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Children's science picture books is an important part of children's books, in the first place in the west development and mature of children's science theme picture books, lands in China in recent years also revealed a creation, publication and promotion of the boom, however, our understanding of children's emerging science painting book is still in the stage constantly to understand and explore. Therefore, this paper discusses the innovation of children's popular science themed picture books from three aspects: story theme, scientific thinking and design structure. It is hoped that future picture books on popular science for children will pay more attention to the psychology of contemporary children and better meet their aesthetic needs in terms of overall aesthetic style.

Key Words:Children; Popular science theme picture books; innovation