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单位:长春工业大学     作者:赵敬杰,李明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:目前产品同质化严重,当下为增加产品市场竞争力,寻找产品中可传承的经典设计因素,文章以产品族基因理论为指导,分析净烟器产品族可遗传基因,建立产品族设计DNA结构模型,探讨产品族基因理论在净烟器造型设计中的运用思路。以期满足用户高情感化、高效率、低成本、个性化的设计需求的同时,帮助设计师快速准确地把握新产品的设计方向,对企业确定产品设计方案有正确的导向作用。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, product homogeneity is serious. In order to increase product market competitiveness, classic design factors that can be inherited in products are sought.Under the guidance of product family gene theory, this paper analyzes the inheritable genes of product family, establishes the DNA structure model of product family design, and discusses the application of product family gene theory in the model design of smoke purifier. In order to meet the user high emotional, high efficiency, low cost, personalized design needs at the same time, to help designers quickly and accurately grasp the design direction of new products, enterprises determine the product design plan has the right guidance.

Key Words: Product family gene theory; Smoke cleaner modeling design; Using