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单位:安阳师范学院     作者:王晨雨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:瑶族是我国少数民族的一部分,是中国少数民族文化在社会生活中的具体体现。瑶族纹样具有少数民族特色,若将其能应用于平面设计当中,对平面设计思路会有一定的促进作用。因此本文着重阐述了瑶族纹样在平面设计中的应用方法,并赋予实践,希望挖掘瑶族文化和纹样背后的内涵,传承传统民族文化的同时,还能拓宽平面设计的思路。


中图分类号:J51 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Yao nationality is a part of China's national minorities and a concrete embodiment of Chinese minority culture in social life. Yao pattern has minority characteristics. If it can be applied in plane design, it will promote the thinking of plane design to some extent. Therefore, this paper focuses on the application method of Yao nationality pattern in graphic design and endow it with practice, hoping to explore the connotation of Yao nationality culture and pattern, inherit the traditional national culture, and broaden the thinking of graphic design.

Key Words:Yao pattern; Graphic design; application