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单位:河海大学机电...     作者:时倩颖,王小妍     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:为获得二十世纪初我国商标设计中女性形象的特征表现规律,本文从发饰、妆容、服饰、姿态四个方面对商标设计中的女性形象特征进行分析,归纳出女性形象特征背后的意义。最终得出,二十世纪初我国商标设计中的女性形象特征在一定程度上反映了女性自我意识的萌发,以及消费语境下对女性自身的审美推动,其总体上呈现出从阴柔古典的传统女性形象到时尚自信的现代女性形象转变,进而揭示时代变革下设计师对消费群体的审美满足和超前设计实践的一般规律。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to obtain the design characteristics of female images in trademark design in my country in the early of the 20th century, this article analyzes the female image characteristics in trademark design from four aspects: hair accessories, makeup, clothing, and posture, and summarizes the meaning behind the female image characteristics. In the end, it is concluded that the design characteristics of female images in Chinese trademarks in the early twentieth century reflected the emergence of women's self-consciousness to a certain extent, and the promotion of women's own aesthetics in the context of consumption, which generally presents a traditional feminine classic The transformation of female images to fashionable and confident modern female images reveals the designer's aesthetic satisfaction with consumer groups and the general laws of advanced design practice under the changing times.

Key Words:the early 20th century; commercial mark design; Female image; Characteristics analysis