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单位:福州工商学院...     作者:卢孙宝     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:标志设计的天然属性是具备一定信息量的视觉语言,承担与消费者沟通的角色。本文针对超扁平化风格在标志设计中的应用进行讨论,试从符号化、色彩两方面分析超扁平化风格在标志设计中的应用价值。以此达到减少过多的装饰,实现标志设计的实用性和审美性的统一。希望通过研究超扁平化风格的标志设计应用,将品牌标志形式美感、个性及“符号化”的表现特质与当下的设计革新与思潮相结合。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The natural attribute of logo design is a visual language with a certain amount of information, which assumes the role of communicating with consumers. This article discusses the application of super flat style in logo design, and tries to analyze the application value of super flat style in logo design from two aspects: symbolization and color. In this way, excessive decoration can be reduced, and the practicability and aesthetics of the logo design can be unified. It is hoped that by studying the application of ultra-flat style logo design, the brand logo form beauty, individuality and "symbolic" performance characteristics will be combined with current design innovation and thought.

Key Words:super flat style; brand logo design; application; value