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单位:晋中职业技术学院     作者:耿少琪     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2020-12-22

摘 要:本文基于实地调研数据,结合用户需求研究和交互设计的相关理论与方法,采用多技术、多信息、多设备集成方式构建可视化、交互性的公众信息平台,并进行了交互设计实践与评估。此次研究探索了公共商业环境下公众信息平台人机交互设计的新可能性,提升了用户在使用此类平台时的交互体验,服务于用户,同时开发用户,增加商场整体竞争力。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract: this paper based on field survey data, combined with relevant theories and methods of user demand research and interaction design, this paper uses multi-technology, multi-information, and multi-device integration to build a visual and interactive public information platform, and conducts interaction design practice and evaluation. This study explored new possibilities for the design of human-computer interaction for public information platforms in the public business environment, and improved the user's interactive experience when using such platforms, serving users, developing users, and increasing the overall competitiveness of the mall.

Key Words:Public business environment; Public information platform; Interactive design