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单位:广州华商学院     作者:漆雪薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-01-20

摘 要:产教融合、工学结合是当今应用型本科高校发展的重要任务,而产教融合人才培养的关键在于课程的改革。本文通过《居住空间设计》课程的教学改革实践探索,将企业需求融入课程教学环节之中,并提出产教融合背景下《居住空间设计》课程教学改革策略。以期为推进应用型本科高校的发展奠定相关的理论基础。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:the combination of production and education and the integration of work and study are important tasks for the development of applied undergraduate colleges and universities, and the key to the cultivation of talents for the integration of production and education lies in curriculum reform. This article explores the teaching reform practice of the "Living Space Design" course, Integrate the enterprise into the teaching link of the course, and put forward the teaching reform strategy of the course "Living Space Design" under the background of the integration of production and teaching and lays a relevant theoretical foundation for the development of applied undergraduate universities.

Key Words:the Combination of production and education; living space design; curriculum reform